ホースステイとは Horse Lodge Horse Stay

かつて日本の里山では多くの馬が物を運び、耕し、荷を運ぶなど人が生きていくための大切なパートナーでした。しかし、近代化が進み、人と里山の距離はどんどん離れていきました。現在では多くの山は荒廃し、馬を見かけることもほとんどなくなりました。 ホースステイは、馬があたりまえにいる環境の中で馬のお世話をし、馬とコミュニケーションをとり、絆を深め、ゆったりと体を動かしながら心身共に整える体験プログラムです。 ホースロッジ施設を貸切り、馬や焚き火の温もりを感じ、森の生き物の音に耳を傾け、大自然の中で馬と過ごしてみませんか?

Japan has a long history of living and working with horses. Japanese horses were working horses whose job was to transport goods and do farm work, but they have become increasingly uncommon in recent years. 

The Afan Horse Lodge Horse Stay program is a place to experience life with traditional Japanese horses.

Located in the open and quiet pastures at the foot of the mountains of Nagano, the Horse Stay program is an all inclusive camping experience where one can experience not only caring and riding Japanese horses, but also life in the rich natural environment of the Nagano mountains. 

馬がいる暮らしへ Living with horses


The Horse Stay experience is centered around life with horses. Learn how to communicate and take care of the horses through cleaning, feeding and grooming them.
Learning to be and communicating with horses not only
helps one discover a lot about the natural world, but
also about one self.


At the Horse Lodge, we offer recreational therapy
riding. Focus on your own body and balance
through the movements of being on horseback.
Riding helps strengthen the core and improves
posture and balance. From beginners to experienced
riders, taking a moment to focus on your own body
through slow riding will help you relax and
restore yourself.


The meals are served at the lounge of the Horse Lodge.
We use plenty of local produce, from vegetables to
venison meat, to offer healthy and delicious meals.
After the meal, you can enjoy an outdoor fire, look up
at the stars that fill the sky and enjoy a quiet and
private evening in the outdoors.


The Horse Lodge is located in Northern Nagano. Our
seasons are very distinct and rich in their own way
and it is a completely different world from the
bustling city life in Japan even though it is only a short
drive away. The Horse Stay offers spacious and
comfortable tents that are complete with bedding
and heating, so even non-campers can enjoy a
comfortable stay.

  • 滞在時間、アクティビティ内容、参加人数を自由に設定して、あなただけのホースステイにご案内致します。詳細はお問合せ下さい。
    Contact us by clicking the below or by email at horse@afan.or.jp

  • 季節に応じたテーマで様々なプログラムを提供しています。詳細は下のボタンをクリック下さい。
    Click the below to see all of the activities
    offered at Horse Lodge.



  • *連泊も可能です。お気軽にお問合せください。
15:00 ようこそホースロッジへ Check in

アファンの森から歩いて30分程の所に馬が暮らすホースロッジがあります。 森歩きや信濃町のアウトドアを楽しんだ後にチェックインしていただきます。 The Horse Lodge is located near the CW Nicol Afan Woodland Trust. Check in for a relaxing experience with horses after enjoying a hike nearby.

ようこそホースロッジへ Check in

15:30 馬の手入れや世話を学びます Horse Care

荷物をテントに入れて、まず馬の所へ。 放牧地から雪丸と茶々丸を迎えに行き、ブラッシングや手入れをします。馬について学びながら、餌やりや世話の基本も体験します。 After getting settled in, come meet our horses. Learn how to safely handle, groom and communicate with the horses.

馬の手入れや世話を学びます Horse Care

17:00 お風呂と食事の支度 Free Time

馬にえさをあげたら人間の夕食準備。薪割りや火熾しをしたり、ロッジのお風呂でさっぱりしたり。 After feeding the horses, it is time to prepare for the evening. Try chopping some wood and start a fire, or enjoy a nice bath before dinner.

お風呂と食事の支度 Free Time

18:30 ホースロッジの夕食 Dinner

地元の野菜たっぷりの鹿肉シチューやワインが進むボリューム満点のメニューを楽しみます。 We serve plenty of local vegetables and sustainable meat such as local venison in our meals at the Horse Lodge.

ホースロッジの夕食 Dinner

20:30 満点の星空、焚火を囲って Relaxing evening

ホースロッジの庭で焚火を囲っておしゃべりしたり、満点の星空を眺めたり、灯りの消えた馬房で馬のそばに佇んでみたり、遠くの国に来たような独特の雰囲気に浸ります。 After dinner, take time to hang our by the fire, enjoy the tranquil outdoor evening, or go hang out with the horses in the stables next door.

満点の星空、焚火を囲って Relaxing evening

9:30 広いテントで宿泊 Grand Tent

テントの中で、自由にお過ごしください。 Relax and sleep in the spacious tents that come with a stove and heated blanket to ensure you are comfortable even in the chilling mountain nights.

広いテントで宿泊 Grand Tent

7:00 朝はまず馬の餌から Breakfast

朝いちばんに、お腹を空かした馬に餌やりをします。 そのあと、ホースロッジでゆっくりと朝食。 We feed the horses first and then serve a hearty breakfast at the Lodge. Take your time to enjoy a relaxing morning.

朝はまず馬の餌から Breakfast

8:30 馬のふれあい・レクリエーションセラピー体験 Recreational Riding

馬の手入れや馬房掃除、それから馬装にチャレンジ。馬との距離をさらに縮めて、いざ乗馬。馬がゆっくり歩くだけでも人間には全身運動になります。 体幹を意識しながら呼吸を整えて、目指せ人馬一体! Time to get to work with the horses and ride! Now that you have become familiar with the horses, enjoy time to focus on your body and mind on horseback.

馬のふれあい・レクリエーションセラピー体験 Recreational Riding

10:00 森と馬に別れを惜しみつつ Thank the horses

馬におやつをあげたり、ロッジでお茶を飲んだり、自由にお過ごしいただきます。 Let's thank the horses with treats and proper grooming before enjoying some free time for the remainder of your stay.

森と馬に別れを惜しみつつ Thank the horses

11:00 チェックアウト Check out

お別れの時間になります。信濃町の広い空の下でお見送り。スタッフ一同、馬一同、またのお越しをお待ちしています。 Time to check out. We can offer recommendations for local activities and places to eat for lunch and look forward to having you visit us again.

チェックアウト Check out



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